FOSSASIA Pocket Science Lab
- H
- 17-03
- Pocket Science Lab - An Open Source Hardware for All

Pocket Science Lab is an Open Source hardware that can be used for experiments by citizen scientists to learn and teach electronics. It comes with an array of sensors, functions of numerous measurement devices including an oscilloscope, a waveform generator, a frequency counter, a programmable voltage, current source and as a data logger. At the Makerfaire, we'd live demo electronics experiments.
Mario Behling is the co-founder of SUSI AI, the Open Source Personal Assistant. Mario is a German born technologist with 15 years of experience in software development and startups. He co-started FOSSASIA which develops solutions like Open Event, the Open Source event management system, Pocket Science Lab and the Meilix Linux generator.
- Web: https://pslab.fossasia.org/
- Twitter: @pslabapp